Home » Frosty Reception: DayZ Frostline Sparks Free Content Debate

Frosty Reception: DayZ Frostline Sparks Free Content Debate

Cry more?

by Sifner
4 minutes read

DayZ players, the time for rejoicing is here!

We’re finally getting a content update that packs more than just “I HEARD YEW GUYZ LYK GUNZ.” (Also the holiday stuff. Not that they aren’t nice, but we’ve seen them for a hundred years now.) Let’s dive in.

Legacy Issues and DayZ’s Freestanding Evolution:

DayZ carries a lot of baggage from its early days as an ArmA II mod, especially among core fans from that period. That was not my scene, but the anger seems directed at unmet promises, and unreliable forward development – honestly, the same overpromise/underdeliver dance we’ve seen with others. But DayZ became its own thing in 2012. Isn’t 12 years a long time to hold a grudge? Maybe it’s a weird stance, but personally, if I got hundreds of hours of gameplay out of something, then it veered off in a direction I didn’t love, I’d move on. I wouldn’t be crying and arguing on threads a decade later. (WoW players will recognize this—every expansion has folks commenting, “I’m so glad I quit this game” yet they’re still haunting the forums and arguing…)

Turning a New Leaf with Frostline:

So, what’s cooking? We’re getting a new map, folks! Officially, it’s the DayZ Frostline Expansion, loaded with more than just a chilly new environment.

I was all set to be hyped, excited, and impatient for the release. I checked out the announcement trailer. I averted my eyes as soon as the press embargo lifted, and the top DayZ streamers started dropping tons of detailed videos. (You can catch more glimpses on YouTube if you’re not worried about spoilers. I’m keeping my eyes PURE AND CHASTE.) I blasted the news bright and early in the Hashtag Survival Discord, geeking out big time with my sister. But when I hit up Steam, the comment section was a wailing wall of woes. The gripes? “WHY NOT FREE? CAN I HAVE MY MONEY BACK FOR LIVONIA??!11!”

Yes, it’s absolutely ludicrous. For two reasons.

  • Here’s the lowdown: It’s common practice for old content—maps, DLCs, etc.—to be bundled with new releases. MMOs do it often, and you see other genres bundling content too. Honestly, wouldn’t you rather have everything included when you make a purchase? You bought the game a dog’s age ago; why would you expect freebies years later? What kind of magical, all-encompassing deal did you think your 10 or 20 bucks covered? If you bought Livonia more recently, that’s tough, and I feel for you. (Unless “recently” is doing a lot of legwork here. And if you’ve never ever (ever) bought something right before it went on sale, or just missed a discount on something you’ve been itching to have—then, my friend, you’re lucky AF.) If Livonia didn’t float your boat, that’s a bummer, but sometimes DLC just doesn’t hit right. I personally found Livonia way more thrilling than Cherno, which I think is a snooze-fest.
  • You can’t expect developers to churn out new content without ever charging a dime – that seems like a fantasy. (No Man’s Sky is both a unicorn AND an atonement for sins.) According to this ShackNews interview, it seems like they’ve plucked a page from what Hinterland did with The Long Dark DLC- some stuff makes it to the DLC, and some quality-of-life stuff hits the base game for free.

Let it Snow

The other quirk that pops up is: WHY SNOWY MAP IF WE HAVE NAMALSK. For the record, I’m a fan of Namalsk. Is Frostline similar to Namalsk? Maybe! But perhaps Frostline offers something fresh, with new mechanics and features. It’s good to get things bundled into the base game. Not everyone wants to dick with mods and addons to experience something. And sure- I don’t want developers to absorb unique creative ideas from modders without compensating them. But something common sense- like thawing food or water- should be in the game.

It seems a little early to rage, panic, and act like the sky is falling or you’re being inconvenienced for paying for a block of new content. If you don’t want to experience it- don’t buy it.

But leave Livonia alone. 🤪

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